2789 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn NY 11207 | Tel: 347.955.4783
Ages: 3 years old - 5.11 years old

Toddler Program:
In our toddler room you can find a fully balanced day with tons of imaginative activates and play. The children are in a caring atmosphere, with a reassuring routine, and stimulating activities. They learn through a balance of play, teacher-facilitated activities, and repetition. It is the optimum environment for learning at this level of development. The children are taught to be more vocal resulting in language development. An environment of bright colors and appropriate toys provides optimum stimulation for the toddler’s growth.

Preschool Program:
Included in our program are experiences in language arts, dramatic play, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, creative arts, science, math, music, and movement. They are eager to learn. They learn by experiencing and by doing. Preschoolers learn from their play. They are busy developing skills, using language, and struggling to gain inner control. Younger preschoolers are encouraged to complete their toilet training. A relaxed approach is used, along with positive reinforcement. Teachers provide children with the most enhanced learning methods. Young Preschoolers are well on their way to Older Preschool with the essential learning foundation needed at this age.

Dramatic Play:
When preschoolers pretend play together, their social skills are enhanced. Participating in dramatic play involves cooperation, negotiation; sharing, problem solving, impulse control and appreciation of one another's efforts. Baybee Lounge Daycare is designed to enhance and develope your child's social skills. Our fully equipped play house with children's juice bar makes for a great combination of imagination and pretend play.